169: Children – Sneaky Golden Calves
Adam Cook   -  

Being a parent is a great gift and honor. For those who have children, their kids are a joyful piece of life, and nothing seems more important than making sure their sons or daughters have the best there is to offer. It’s not wrong to love your children. The problem is that sometimes our love for our children can easily overshadow our love for God and our commitment to Him. We can find ourselves worshipping another sneaky golden calf without realizing it. Pastor Adam and Steph discuss the dangers of allowing our kids to become the highest priority in our lives, and the two share the benefits of raising children in a way that honors God and allows them to develop into the adults God would have them to be. *Scripture referenced in this episode: Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, 1 John 3:1, 1 John 4:19