134: Fight Anxiety with These Steps
Adam Cook   -  

On today’s episode, Pastor Adam and Steph add to their comments regarding anxiety disorders by offering practical ways to combat deep, prolonged anxiety, and by giving helpful insight into ways to respond in light of what the Bible says. Anyone who has struggled with anxiety knows the feeling of wishing it would disappear or leave. We must remember that Jesus’ grace is sufficient enough for us all. Even in our weaknesses, we are strong, because Christ’s strength is magnified. Therefore, as Apostle Paul says in his letter to the church in Corinth, we can boast about our weaknesses. This means that we can share and highlight this part of our lives. We don’t have control over our circumstances or out mental health diagnosis, but what we do have control over is how we respond to our struggle with anxiety and mental health. The key is not to hide it and pretend it doesn’t exist, but to be bold and admit that we do struggle! *Scripture reference in this episode: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, John 10:10.